Source code for pgl.message

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import paddle
import pgl.math as math

[docs]class Message(object): """This implement Message for graph.recv. Args: msg: A dictionary provided by send function. segment_ids: The id that the message belongs to. """ def __init__(self, msg, segment_ids): self._segment_ids = segment_ids self._msg = msg
[docs] def reduce(self, msg, pool_type="sum"): """This method reduce message by given `pool_type`. Now, this method only supports default reduce function, with ('sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min'). Args: feature (paddle.Tensor): feature with first dim as num_edges. pool_type (str): 'sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min' built-in receive function. Returns: Returns a paddle.Tensor with the first dim the same as the largest segment_id. """ outputs = math.segment_pool( msg, self._segment_ids, pool_type=pool_type) return outputs
[docs] def reduce_sum(self, msg): """This method reduce message by sum. Args: feature (paddle.Tensor): feature with first dim as num_edges. Returns: Returns a paddle.Tensor with the first dim the same as the largest segment_id. """ return math.segment_sum(msg, self._segment_ids)
[docs] def reduce_mean(self, msg): """This method reduce message by mean. Args: feature (paddle.Tensor): feature with first dim as num_edges. Returns: Returns a paddle.Tensor with the first dim the same as the largest segment_id. """ return math.segment_mean(msg, self._segment_ids)
[docs] def reduce_max(self, msg): """This method reduce message by max. Args: feature (paddle.Tensor): feature with first dim as num_edges. Returns: Returns a paddle.Tensor with the first dim the same as the largest segment_id. """ return math.segment_max(msg, self._segment_ids)
[docs] def reduce_min(self, msg): """This method reduce message by min. Args: feature (paddle.Tensor): feature with first dim as num_edges. Returns: Returns a paddle.Tensor with the first dim the same as the largest segment_id. """ return math.segment_max(msg, self._segment_ids)
[docs] def edge_expand(self, msg): """This is the inverse method for reduce. Args: feature (paddle.Tensor): A reduced message. Returns: Returns a paddle.Tensor with the first dim the same as the num_edges. Examples: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import pgl import paddle num_nodes = 5 edges = [ (0, 1), (1, 2), (3, 4)] feature = np.random.randn(5, 100) edge_feature = np.random.randn(3, 100) graph = pgl.Graph(num_nodes=num_nodes, edges=edges, node_feat={ "feature": feature }, edge_feat={ "edge_feature": edge_feature }) graph.tensor() def send_func(src_feat, dst_feat, edge_feat): return { "out": src_feat["feature"] } message = graph.send(send_func, src_feat={"feature": graph.node_feat["feature"]}) def recv_func(msg): value = msg["out"] max_value = msg.reduce_max(value) # We want to subscribe the max_value correspond to the destination node. max_value = msg.edge_expand(max_value) value = value - max_value return msg.reduce_sum(value) out = graph.recv(recv_func, message) """ return paddle.gather(msg, self._segment_ids, axis=0)
[docs] def reduce_softmax(self, msg): """This method reduce message by softmax. Args: feature (paddle.Tensor): feature with first dim as num_edges. Returns: Returns a paddle.Tensor with the first dim the same as the largest segment_id. """ return math.segment_softmax(msg, self._segment_ids)
def __getitem__(self, key): return self._msg[key]